Friday, October 12, 2012

Foucault & Our Prison Structure

Our prison system leaves much to be desired.  The government believes that if we get rid of the lawbreakers, somehow the citizens will feel comfortable in living their lives peaceably and the government hopes to deter any potential lawbreakers. 

Foucault tells us that these prisons turn bad people into worse than before they entered in the prison.  There are gangs among the prisoners, some wardens assault and abuse the prisoners, drug addicts that get worse, and not enough programs to help rehabilitate these prisoners to enter back into society. 

Do we need to put juveniles into our prison system?  If they have not murdered anyone let them go into boot camp for juveniles.  Let’s put our tax dollars to use for these types of programs to help these juveniles learn discipline, morale and self-confidence.   For non-violent criminals, let us think of ways to rehabilitate them by working out in programs that could use volunteering such as senior citizen centers or church group functions that need help. 

Let us think of ways of helping these non-violent criminals and our young people so they do not turn into worse offenders.

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